Friday, June 8, 2012

Martin Wang 的「遺書」

Martin Wang 也加入維權人士行列(*1),寫下「遺書」,聲明本人先天喜樂Joyful、後天Happy 快樂,也尊重信奉生命乃尊貴聖潔,由神所賜,也只能由神收回,故此絕不 會「自殺」,如有不測,必定是「他殺」。以此之故,強烈遣責那些偽裝「上帝之手」的黑手,馬上收手,不然真正「上帝之手」便會The handwriting on the wall" (*2), 尔等寫下終極審判書!


(*1)胡佳等發聲明「絕不會自殺」 綜合報道)(星島日報報道)李旺陽死亡事件觸動內地維權人士,王荔蕻、胡佳等昨天紛紛發聲明,表示「絕不會自殺」。   




(*2) The hand writing on the wall" (or "the handwriting on the wall" or "the writing is on the wall" or "Mene Mene"), an idiom, is a portent of doom or misfortune. It originates from the Biblical book of Daniel chapter 5 in which the fingers of a supernatural hand write a mysterious message in the presence ofBelshazzar, king of Babylon, who is meanwhile drinking at a major feast. It is revealed by Daniel that the writing foretells the demise of the Babylonian Empireand the story concludes with the Persians capturing Babylon. The phrase "the writing is on the wall" is now a popular idiom for "something bad is about to happen."

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