Sunday, March 25, 2012

My Experiences with 325 Protest

Here is the map of today's route that I walked. Here is just to give you an idea. i.e.盧押道修頓外集合遊行 -> 會展->  中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区联络办公室.

Today I joined the protest against the "Commie-dictated" election. Here is some of the photos I took. I arrived too early, thus had some time to walk around the WanChai area. Somehow I walked with the Hong Kong University Department of Social Welfare students. We are angry that CY became the fucking governor just in 1st round of the election with 689 tickets, and many of those for Tong, and Ho went to his camp instead of "white ticket". shit.. And all "middle finger" to the election place i.e. Hong Kong Exhibit Hall.And then we walked to the Commie HQ in Sai-Wan. It is a long way talk, we started at 10:30AM from WanChai MTR station, and then left Wanchai Exhibit Hall about noon, then arrived in Commie HQ about 2:00PM, then we burn the fucking basic law and UK-China joint decleration and all walk by the Commie HQ and finger them and left. One funny thing during the walk, as all shouting are done in Cantonese. Suddenly somewhere in Sai Wan, we saw the big TV broadcasting CY accepting the governorship / winning, and say he will make Rule 23 as law. One guy shouted "Fuck CY". Funny thing is it can be interpreted as "Fuck See Why", so I guess he should say "Fuck CY Leung, or just say the Fuck Leung Chun Ying".  Anyhow, it is good experience, but with fucking CY as governor, I guess probably won't see it often anymore. I was also on the TV, if you see a guy wearing a black hat "Computer Associate" with white jacket, it is me!!! Also it is fun that the police in front of the Commie HQ look at me funny, since everyone is shouting Chinese, but I shout in English "Fuck you Commie, you fucking assholes, go to hell!".... Fun.... and then time to back home, still even many blocks away, there are tons of police.... Forget to say 2 points 1) during the protest, one lady of the Hong Kong University left for toilet, so she asked me to hold the banner for her. So I did till I arrived at the Wan Chai Exhibit hall. Because of the banner, I was standing next to the 2 students that have a chains and wooden lock to mock the "controlled CY era", so that is why I was on TV. 2) At the Commie HQ, one of the banner post from People HK is broken, luckily I had a 3M tape with me, so I helped to tape the post together to hoist up high... but this is not on TV. Anyhow, the day of free protest is numbered, next time in July , probably armored vehicles or even tanks!!!Say "Bye Bye" to democracy in Hong Kong. Soon people will not be able to demonstrate nor to have a say in their daily life as everything will be pre arranged by Beijing.China doesn't want to advance with the rest of the Asia, it wants to pull the rest of the Asia down so they could all be as uncultured and unsophisticated as the people of China. Democracy is dangerous to the Communists simply because their own people would question why other Asian countries can have democracy and they couldn't. So instead of moving toward democracy they choose to pull democratic societies such as Hong Kong and Taiwan back to the feudal system. Rise of Singapore again!!!Congratulation to Hong Kong at the beginning of direct rule from Beijing. Harmony is coming to Hong Kong. The second authority center in West UK island is now official.It's very surprising that the media gave Tang a hard time for having affairs. Affairs are so common in HK and the rest of China that it's almost a sport of leisure.