Sunday, June 10, 2012

My Experiences with 610 Protest

Today I joined the 「聲討屠夫政權」遊行 I know this will be a long walk and will probably full of people, thus even my friend told me earlier to watch the EuroCup, I didn't. I only watched for 5 mins and then continued sleeping to keep my energy for today's march. Killing/murdering a blind/deaf old man is unthinkable even for fucking commie government. How can they be so cruel ? are they heartless, soul-less? but think about how my fellow HKers and I were treated by chinese locals (many of them are CCP China Communist Party members), I feel "all raven are black everywhere".. Anyhow,  though the march start at 3:30PM at 遮打道行人專用區(近雪廠街) Around 2PM I already arrived there, thus I can walk around to check out. I thought it was in   遮打花園, but there are full of phillippines or indonesian celebrating something. I was initially surprised somehow the march is in English, since I did write a email to march organizers back in May to include some English slogan, because key is not only for the HK or chinese community, all political movement, need to be publicized widely, and English is still a pre-dominant language among the world, it will raise the awareness or attention from foreign media. Anyhow, realizing that it is not the march, so I walked around and find restroom . ;-) tips for protester : don't drink too much water, bring bread, no cakes. Wear hat or sunglasses.. Anyhow, since today morning was raining, so I did bring my umbrella. I was worried about the turnout. In any cases, for me, no matter what I will attend. Many people are talking about how much improvement, advancement China has made. To me, nothing really. Money can't buy love, and certainly can't buy lives. Yes, I did admit China is more wealthier than before, but people's moral is far worse than before, you can say it is even worse than Ching, Ming dynasty. Anyhow, my 6-4 black T-shirt is still not dried, so today I wore a grey shirt with jeans instead. I walked around and see the beginning or the preparation. I was wondering which group or political party to join, since I was tempted to join the People Power. But I know their group will be at the back, so I decided to join at the front. very front. in the City university and Piegon party area, right after the flower basket. So very very front. As you can see the photo, not only people from all walks of life and even elderly in wheelchair. Later I know my decision to stay in front is correct, since later I know there are over 25K people attended, and it takes 1 hr for people to leave the starting point completely. Thus you can see how many people attended. So we sing and shout. oh by the way, earlier i saw the big-Mic, actually it is wireless one. So maybe the stupid company I am working on can go into this market, so finally I can use something for real instead of all the empty product talk... ah, also in one street, one guy posted outside the building (the yellow banner), that can beheaded, but never backdown./.. Good and powerful wording. since I was standing or walking so front, I am next to the big white word banner, there is a guy probably a student hitting the gong, and he has a funny teddy bear decoration for his phone, so I photo it as well. Many of these young people are very smart, even when some people from outside the march shouted foul language, they said "don't talk back", let them talk, and express whatever their feeling, don't join it, don't against it, then they will stop. Indeed, those later left. probably someone sent by the fucking commie to make this march violent or something. It is a long long walk, from 3:30PM all the way took us almost 2 hrs to go to Commie HQ中聯辦 in Sai Wan. There is the problems, because of so many people, police is trying to slow us down or split us. There are also many people both in the march or against the march wanted to create some troubles. But luckily, the organizer is very well-trained and keep the emotion balanced.. also each one of us is given a white flower. Somehow, they gave 2 to me. Anyhow.... but until it is a block away from the HQ, the police delaying tactics doesn't work, they keep saying please wait for 3 mins, then another 3 mins, and no movement, so many people are trying to break away and walk into the street, thus police put out the yellow banner "it is a warning i.e. we have to stop movement", it is very emotional, and seems it will get into people vs police. and some even try to push into the street (there are bus/cars which clearly not stopped or diverted by the police as they promised).  And finally police put the red banner that they will use force if needed, thus further anger people including me, so we all rushed to the front and get pepper gases... though I am far away from the front, so only smell partially... they we entered into HQ area, and there are another incidents, someone try to burn the commie flag as well as burning some incense for the dead. But police try to use special blue bottle extinguisher on it, and the smell is pretty bad, many of us including me immediately felt sick...anyhow, i keep my posture, and then tied the white ribbon on the iron-bar, and then put the flower next to it as well, and bow to the deceased's pictures and then got blocked again. Later, the organizer Lee negotiated with the police and let us go, so we were the first arrived in commie HQ and also the first to leave, thus around 7:30 I was on my way the end, I am all wet, since the weather is so humid and hot, and after all the walk, I am dead tired and also maybe from the pepper gas or from the fire extinguisher, I have some headache, so after home, dinner, shower, and type this post and sleep. God bless Democracy, Liberty, Equality and Justice!!!  Ah forget to mention, I photo a police guy's gun, why? because on the gun, it said RHKP, i.e. Royal Hong Kong Police, that should be issued before 1997!!! hope he is with us... not against us... but from the overall arrangement, clearly police is under pressure to make this march or protest tough.  Anyhow, See you on July 1st protest.中聊辦不配這麼多人去叩頭,話雖是祭李大俠,又不准人行近,有不派代表,我們以後係可以當佢死既,又不是暴力去拆祠堂,以後可以去英國領事館(呼籲關注基本法執行情況),可以去美國大使館(呼籲關注人權情況),金紫荊廣場搞大集會,搞到國際知名。今次公祭,最宜在中環行人專用區。人民力量想下辦法,聲討強國下流做法,都有利選情,叫人不要空寄望去投票給投降派(騙了我多年)、禍國殃民派。在行人專用區各國遊客雲集的,派中英文號外。" />  " />  " />

Experience can take a count and non-count noun. When it used for describing “the process of mastering a skill”, it is not-countable.
For example, “I have ten years of experience in aeronautical engineering with Airod.”
Experiences refer to “events; happenings”.

If you see clearly, I am in below pics from RTHK, remember I have a grey shirt with 2 white flowers standing near the white/black banner..also wearing a hat.                                       


Friday, June 8, 2012

Martin Wang 的「遺書」

Martin Wang 也加入維權人士行列(*1),寫下「遺書」,聲明本人先天喜樂Joyful、後天Happy 快樂,也尊重信奉生命乃尊貴聖潔,由神所賜,也只能由神收回,故此絕不 會「自殺」,如有不測,必定是「他殺」。以此之故,強烈遣責那些偽裝「上帝之手」的黑手,馬上收手,不然真正「上帝之手」便會The handwriting on the wall" (*2), 尔等寫下終極審判書!


(*1)胡佳等發聲明「絕不會自殺」 綜合報道)(星島日報報道)李旺陽死亡事件觸動內地維權人士,王荔蕻、胡佳等昨天紛紛發聲明,表示「絕不會自殺」。   




(*2) The hand writing on the wall" (or "the handwriting on the wall" or "the writing is on the wall" or "Mene Mene"), an idiom, is a portent of doom or misfortune. It originates from the Biblical book of Daniel chapter 5 in which the fingers of a supernatural hand write a mysterious message in the presence ofBelshazzar, king of Babylon, who is meanwhile drinking at a major feast. It is revealed by Daniel that the writing foretells the demise of the Babylonian Empireand the story concludes with the Persians capturing Babylon. The phrase "the writing is on the wall" is now a popular idiom for "something bad is about to happen."

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六四二十三週年燭光悼念集會 on Youtube

香 港今年參加維園燭光晚會的人也特別多,打破歷年紀錄。主辦者前所未有地主動推遲20分鐘開始,以便讓更多人進入公園。晚間8時20分燭光晚會開始時,維多 利亞公園的六個足球場全部坐滿了,連周邊草地、涼亭也擠滿了人。最後香港警方也罕有地開放公園旁一條行車道,供市民參加集會。香港支聯會主席李卓人說,今 年燭光晚會出席人數超過18萬人,較去年15萬人多了3萬人。
燭光晚會的主席台上,掛起的橫幅寫著「毋忘六四、民主必勝」八個大字,現場 豎立民主烈士紀念碑,供人獻花。大會開始,先宣讀那些在六四事件中遇難的學生及他們已故父母的姓名,香港支聯會副主席蔡耀昌致悼詞時,向日前自殺身亡的天 安門死難學生的父親軋偉林致哀,並向多年來抵抗當局壓制的死難者家屬致敬,向日前在美國病逝的天體物理學家方勵之表示哀悼。
燭 光在晚會期間一直燃亮,司儀告訴參加者,燭光除悼念「六四」死難同胞,也代表要當權者看清歷史真相,雖然當權者極力掩飾,但香港人絕不忘記,也不會放棄建 設民主中國的理想。在司儀和大會安排的鼓手帶領下,18萬人以粵語和普通話喊口號,又唱出一首又一首民運歌曲,追求民主的歌聲、哀慟的鼓聲響徹全場,悲苦 之情感染在場每一人。YouTube home
A better version:

4JUN2012 「六四」二十三周年獨光掉念集會【直播版本】



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2012.06.08 - 六四二十三週年燭光悼念集會- YouTube 小時前 - 72 分鐘 - 上傳者:INTNewsChannel
Production team: Sam CHAN, INT production officer. YIP Ho-kit, INT assistant production officer. John WONG ...